In this radio episode we are going to analyze the topic of quarantine-ships from a juridical, philosophical and social point of view. The complexity of this matter focuses on an issue that is still open and not completely solved: the legitimacy of a normative system which does not ensure the fundamental rights of the individual, the principle of equality and non-discrimination. The experts we interviewed, analyzed this complex issue, highlighting the critical points. The story that emerges is made up by countless micro-stories of lives who risk to shipwreck right behind our homes, in the name of “public security”.
Construire une Europe créative, c’est trouver les conditions d’un travail commun et d’une conscience partagée du moment. Comment maintenir les liens et l’ouverture ?...
Introduction de la série 2 du cycle d'émissions "Par où commencer ?" Au programme des explorations du week-end : un parcours au jardin-cité du...
Il limone lunare consists of two shows that circulate around the work and the writings of the Sicilian activist and poet Danilo Dolci. The...