In this radio episode we are going to analyze the topic of quarantine-ships from a juridical, philosophical and social point of view. The complexity of this matter focuses on an issue that is still open and not completely solved: the legitimacy of a normative system which does not ensure the fundamental rights of the individual, the principle of equality and non-discrimination. The experts we interviewed, analyzed this complex issue, highlighting the critical points. The story that emerges is made up by countless micro-stories of lives who risk to shipwreck right behind our homes, in the name of “public security”.
Ici être Femme c’est avant tout Faire-Monde. Et par-delà les Langues, construire un Récit. Habiter une zone liminaire (Ali’mentation Générale à Bergerac), c’est se...
The objective of the trans-making project is to strengthen research capacity through the exchange of knowledge, expertise, skills and experience between academic and non-academic...