This episode talks about the "border", how it is thought of and experienced by those with strong passports or those who have little chance of moving legally. It explores the politics of domination and the issue of the responsibility of states which, by externalizing border control, delegate the dirty work to governments were human
rights are very poorly protected and where often not even the international conventions on refugee rights have been ratified.
Il limone lunare consists of two shows that circulate around the work and the writings of the Sicilian activist and poet Danilo Dolci. The...
Il limone lunare consists of two shows that circulate around the work and the writings of the Sicilian activist and poet Danilo Dolci. The...
Partager, se connecter, se mettre en réseau, créer de nouvelles alliances... Construire une Europe créative, c’est aussi réussir à s’organiser collectivement entre des individus...