"We are the sea in the Earth" talks about the ability of the students to overcome the "paper walls". The paper walls can be the difficulties in the access to a country (documents) but also the difficulties in the integration.With this podcast we will show you the experience of some students that have come to Italy or that already lived in Italy but moved in another Region: a Russian girl, two a girl and a boy from Vietnam, a boy from Camerun and an Italian girl. We have developed some philosophical concepts learned during our classes and we have applied them to reality. The pieces of music we have chosen will accompany you along these journeys.
Turning Weapons of War into Tools of Peace. A series that explores active engage- ment, ingenuity, civil disobedience and non-violence. Episode 1: Outlaw and...
Pour Hannah Arendt, la source de la liberté réside dans la capacité qu’à chaque personne d’être un nouveau commencement et de commencer "un monde...
Ici être Femme c’est avant tout Faire-Monde. Et par-delà les Langues, construire un Récit. Habiter une zone liminaire (Ali’mentation Générale à Bergerac), c’est se...