Par où commencer ? - Série 5 - Circuler. Habiter. - Il limone lunare II - Chapter 1 Petite histoire d’engagement et de voix

Episode 2 October 17, 2020 00:31:24
Par où commencer ? - Série 5 - Circuler. Habiter. - Il limone lunare II - Chapter 1 Petite histoire d’engagement et de voix
Radio Commons
Par où commencer ? - Série 5 - Circuler. Habiter. - Il limone lunare II - Chapter 1 Petite histoire d’engagement et de voix

Oct 17 2020 | 00:31:24


Show Notes

Il limone lunare consists of two shows that circulate around the work and the writings of the Sicilian activist and poet Danilo Dolci. The second show is dedicated to artists, writers and activists whose works resonate with the experience of Radio Libera. Each of them avec created a new soundworks for the occasion : Verity Spott, Lina Issa, Silvia Maglioni and Graeme Thomson and Maya Ouabadi.

Editors: Giulia Crisci and Camille Pageard, with Assemblea delle lucciole / Diaria, Palermo / Parigi

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