Latest Episodes

A Dream-Proof Wall
Every person has heard at least once in their life about the “American dream”, the dream of a chance for a freer and better...

We are the sea in the Earth
"We are the sea in the Earth" talks about the ability of the students to overcome the "paper walls". The paper walls can be...

This episode talks about the "border", how it is thought of and experienced by those with strong passports or those who have little chance...

Mayday mayday: Rights in quarantine
In this radio episode we are going to analyze the topic of quarantine-ships from a juridical, philosophical and social point of view. The complexity...

Par où commencer ? - Par où continuer ?

Par où commencer ? - Série 5 - Circuler. Habiter. - Conversations pour une Europe créative
Construire une Europe créative, c’est aussi repenser notre manière d’être au monde et d’habiter le monde en commun. Comment y vivre ? Dans quelle...